Elijah Sacra
US Marine Corps Service Disabled Veteran
500 Hour Yoga Teacher
Exercise Physiologist
Functional Medicine Health Coach
Elijah Sacra is a US Marine Corps Veteran service-disabled veteran, a career yoga teacher, health and wellness practitioner, trainer, consultant and educator with over two decades of experience in the military, veteran, and Special Operations Community. He works in concert with physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and mental health practitioners while delivering services for populations under clinical care. These include individuals living with chronic pain, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Post-Traumatic Stress, amputees, cancer patients, the blind, and patients recovering from surgeries and burns. Elijah’s coaching philosophy and methodology is grounded in Functional Medicine and Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching and Burris Functional Emotional Fitness Coaching. As an Exercise Physiologist, he guides his clients to move from “Pain to Performance” with a blend of Neuromuscular Re-education, Foundation Training, MovNat, Functional Patterns movement training, and Adaptive Yoga.
Certifications & Training
Warrior Wellness Solutions 300 Hour Certified Special Operations Yoga Teacher Training - (300 Hour Program) specializing in Yoga and Functional Medicine Health Coaching interventions for the Special Operations Community with a concentration in Traumatic Brain Injury, Post Traumatic Stress, Combat Operational Stress, and the Operational Environment in partnership with the Special Operations Health Initiatives.
Yoga Alliance E-RYT 200 - 200 Hour Registered Educator & Yoga Teacher
Warriors At Ease Certified- (30 Hour Program) - Fundamentals of Teaching Yoga and Meditation in Military Communities
Mindful Yoga Therapy for Veterans Training for Yoga Teachers (15-Hour Program)
Yoga Warriors International - (16 Hour Program) - "Healing the Wounds of War Breath by Breath" in partnership with University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Integrative Medicine
Total Educational Hours: 561
Total Years Training Experience: 20 +
*Holiday and Inclement weather updates will be delivered in our private group page
Location: Warrior Wellness Solutions
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12 PM EST
Locations: Functional Wellness Solutions
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 PM EST
Location: Ft. Bragg, NC
Tuesday 1145 AM EST
Location: Ft. Bragg - Joint Special Operations Command - SOF Health Initiatives
Tuesday 6 PM EST
Location: Camp Lejeune, NC Marine Special Operations Command
Thursday 1145 AM EST
For more information about exact location details please contact Elijah at
or call / text 919-525-4693